
Rick's House

Alright. Here is the first installment in rick house.

As you can see the house was is old. The house was heated by the four fireplaces that lead up stairs. They provided heat in the winter and also a place to cook. The house was wired with a faulty fuse box that allowed for the refrigerator to be plugged in. Upstairs the toilets used water supplied by the lake in the back by buckets the same with the sink. Water would be brought up via the stairs.

I gutted the entire house of windows, furniture, and wallpaper. The floors will remain and the fireplaces and historic paintings. This will form the central room of the house, in which the rooms are built around it. Each room will have a different scheme according to the fireplace. This is the picture of the second floor. I didn't want to show the downstairs because it would have been too redundant. Pipe, central air/heat and electricity will all be upgraded.

The fireplaces were moved to the outside walls of the original house. The siding was removed aswell. On the first floor the same changed has occurred. The doors from the original are being used in the same design. The new house will have central air and central heat as well as 2 pairs of elevators instead of stairs. Upstairs the middle room will be a gigantic bathroom accessible to all rooms of the upstairs level. While downstairs the same room will be a recreational room. Both central rooms will be lighted by Lava Lamps, that will light the room up daily and nightly. The front room downstairs will be the central hall. This room will be mimicked up stairs as well. Upstairs it would be more of a living room. The back room (closest to the lake) Upstairs will hold the master bed room and a terrace for views of the lake. Downstairs the back room will hold the dining room. While the east and west rooms upstairs can be made into either a bedroom or den. Downstairs the east and west rooms will hold a kitchen and family room. Also downstairs one of the chimney shafts will hold a bathroom.

Tomorrow the brick layers stop by and install the siding. Also the roofers will be here adding a new roof. While the builders finished the east and west rooms. While the elevator company comes and installs the elevators. Tomorrow looks promising! Also looks like some tiling is gonna happen down stairs, while one of the chimneys is fixed up for a bathroom. Also AC/heating vents and much other stuff. I sure hope that scaffolding arrives in one piece.


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